HCIT EHR Difference
What makes HCIT EHR different?
- Truly designed for touch screen entry, where most others require a significant amount of typing. (You may use the mouse, voice recognition or type anything with ours too.)
- Complete workflow, by each sub-specialty or doctor, to display and document only what you do. Too much information on the screen will slow you down.
- Separate entry by department such as Technician, Physician etc. with your display preferences for review.
- Our EHR is true Multi-Specialty Ophthalmology instead of a General Ophthalmology EHR with all doctors using the same screens.
- Our screen display is easy to see. The screen is not overcrowded and does not require a larger than standard size screen just to view the data.
- Many quick entry mechanisms, such as auto pull in last visit, so you can focus on the patient instead of the computer.
- Our software was designed from the ground up for ophthalmology, since that is all we do, instead of a primary care EHR with ophthalmology lists.
- Not just direct color drawing, but drag & drop images which label and document too. We also have a special scribe mode.
- Designed in the latest technology significantly enhancing wireless display.
What our unique configuration means to you
- See only what you want to see when you open the chart.
- Document only what is pertinent to you.
- The type of exam data display and entry detail is configured for how you practice (in addition to adding your own answer choices). You can start with the standard for your specialty then change it to what works best for you.
Total Eye Ophthalmic EHR Data Flow
- Patient plans by specialty by date for easy side by side viewing.
- Image display by type of image by specialty preference.
- Separate billing by each specialist seen.
- Separate documentation and sign off by each provider.
- Separate history by specialty so you can see what was previously documented in a flow sheet fashion and auto populate the correct data.
- Electronic Chart Sections by specialty and type. I.e. all scanned items, all drawings, all images, all letters etc.
Call (888) 965-4248 x1 or email us as Sales@hcit-emr.com